Railroad Antique Pocket Watches

Railroad antique pocket watches represent a fascinating chapter in the history of American ‍watchmaking, embodying both ⁢technological innovation and historical significance. These timepieces were born out⁤ of necessity, as the railroads demanded unparalleled...

What Does “Adjusted” Mean?

In the world of horology, the term “adjusted” on pocket watches ‍signifies a meticulous calibration process designed​ to ensure timekeeping⁤ accuracy across various ⁢conditions. This article delves into the⁣ specifics of what “adjusted”...

What Are Watch “Jewels”?

Understanding the intricacies of⁢ watch movements reveals⁢ the critical role played by watch jewels, tiny components that significantly enhance the longevity and performance of timepieces. A watch movement is a complex assembly of gears, or “wheels,” held...

What Size Is My Antique Pocket Watch?

Determining the size of an⁤ antique pocket watch can be a nuanced task, especially for​ collectors who are keen on identifying ​the precise measurements ‌of their timepieces. ⁣When‍ a collector refers to an​ American watch’s “size,” they are generally talking...

How Are Different Antique Pocket Watches Set?

Antique pocket watches are fascinating relics of the past, each with its own unique method of setting the ⁢time. While many might assume that setting a ⁤pocket ⁤watch is as straightforward as pulling out the winding stem,⁢ akin to modern wristwatches, this is not...

How Do You Open the Back of a Pocket Watch ?

Opening⁢ the back of​ a pocket watch can be a delicate⁣ task, essential ⁤for identifying‌ the watch’s ‌movement, ‌which ​often bears ‍crucial information about the⁤ timepiece. However, the method‌ for accessing the movement ⁤varies among different...